Model Advisory and Support Services

We evaluate the integrity of existing models as well as design, build and test new proprietary models and their related systems.

A sound and defensible economic or financial model is one of a manager’s strongest and most valuable tools in making business decisions. Models can provide insight on the relationship between economics and finance, and help clarify the impact of changes in economic conditions. At FI, we can evaluate the integrity of your existing models as well as design, build, and test new proprietary models and their related systems. We can help you implement a solution using commercial off-the-shelf software packages, or create an entirely new modeling framework, tailored specifically to your requirements. We can help you develop and implement a model governance framework that complies with the requirements of regulators, auditors, and other stakeholders. Regardless of the situation, we will measure our overall success on the same outcome –how well the final solution meets the needs of our clients while adhering to our standards for the transparency and soundness of model operations.

Our model advisory and support services include:

  • Model Development and Revision
  • Model Documentation
  • Model Validation
  • Model Execution
  • Model Governance
  • Model Implementation

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