Agency: Loan Type:
Cohort FY: Reporting FY:
Risk Category:


Filter data by selected agency.

Loan Type

Filter data by selected loan type.

Cohort FY

Filter data by selected cohort.

Reporting FY

Filter data by selected reporting year. Reporting year corresponds to the budget year of the President's Budget Federal Credit Supplement in which data were reported.

Bureaus List

Filter data by selected bureau.

Programs List

Filter data by selected program.

Formulation Subsidy Rates

View lending authority and the components of subsidy by cohort at the program level.

Formulation Assumptions

View the assumptions underlying the subsidy estimates at the risk category level by cohort and reporting fiscal year.

Reestimate Subsidy Rates

View formulation and reestimated subsidy rates and amounts:

By Cohort: Displays reestimates by cohort as they appear in the most recent Federal Credit Supplement. The most recent reestimate data in any Federal Credit Supplement is for the fiscal year two years prior to the budget year of the supplement. For example, the Federal Credit Supplement from the FY 2012 President's Budget includes reestimate data through FY 2010.

All Cohorts by FY: Displays aggregate reestimate data across cohorts for each available fiscal year (FY). Data prior to FY 2004 (as documented in the FY 2006 Federal Credit Supplement) are not currently available.

Reestimate History

View historical reestimate data for selected cohorts by FY

Risk Category

Filter data by selected risk category.

New Features

The updated beta version of FCAT includes the following new features:

  • Upfront Fees and Annual Fees are now included in the formulation data.
  • Filter the results by risk category.
  • Compare formulation and reestimate data for a program by changing tabs after making a selection.

About FCAT

The Federal Credit Analysis Tool (FCAT) is a web-based application currently in beta version. The purpose of the FCAT is to make information about the federal government's credit market activities-for example lending authority and estimated credit costs- more transparent and accessible. The tool aggregates information about federal credit programs from the President's Budget using data from the Federal Credit Supplement. This version of the FCAT contains data through the FY 2013 President's Budget and all descriptions and footnotes from the underlying Federal Credit Supplements apply.

The tool allows users to analyze historical formulation and reestimate data about federal credit programs. The tool has two panels. The top panel allows user to filter data by making selections by agency, bureau, program, loan type, and year. The bottom panel displays information based on the user�s selection in four tabs:

  • Formulation Subsidy Rates - View lending authority and the components of subsidy by cohort at the program level.
  • Formulation Assumptions - View the assumptions underlying the subsidy estimates at the risk category level by cohort and reporting fiscal year.
  • Reestimate Subsidy Rates - View formulation and reestimated subsidy rates and amounts by cohort and FY.
  • Reestimate History - View historical reestimate data for selected cohorts by FY.
Depending on the tab, users may also be able to select radio buttons to view different types of data. For example, on the Formulation Subsidy Rates tab, users can view the components of subsidy in terms of rates or dollars, and also view the assumptions underlying the formulation estimates. The Formulation Subsidy Rates and Reestimate Subsidy Rates tabs also have a View Chart button that will generate a pop-up window to display the selected data in a chart. Finally, the user may select All Agencies, All Bureaus, or All Programs in the top panel of the tool. In these cases, the data displayed in the table in the bottom panel will be summations (e.g., sum of disbursements) or weighted averages (e.g., formulation subsidy rates weighted by commitments or obligations or reestimate subsidy rates weighted by disbursements) across agencies, bureaus, or programs.


FI Consulting makes no representations or warranties that the data provided in the FCAT is error-free. We have presented the data as accurately as possible, but cannot attest to the accuracy of the original data source. Our liability is limited and excluded to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law. We will not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising under this disclaimer or in connection with our website, whether arising in tort, contract, or otherwise - including, without limitation, any loss of profit, contracts, business, goodwill, data, income, revenue or anticipated savings.